Egyptian Magic - beauty care with thousands of years of tradition.
The secret of Egyptian Magic products has a long tradition. Already the pharaohs in ancient Egypt knew the special effect of natural ingredients and used precious creams and ointments to enhance their beauty. The traditional recipe of the Egyptian skin cream has been handed down until today. It consists of a rich emulsion of olive oil, honey, beeswax, bee pollen and royal jelly extract. No wonder the legendary beauty of Cleopatra enchanted men across all borders! Today, even Hollywood stars trust this magical beauty care and use Egyptian Magic products daily. The precious skin care of Egyptian Magic is not only applicable as day care on the face, but can also be used for the body and hair. Egyptian Magic products can be purchased cheaply online. Many customers have already been convinced by the versatile All-Purpose Skin Cream by Egyptian Magic.
Nourishing luxury for every skin type
Anyone looking for different product lines from Egyptian Magic will only ever come across Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream. Any variation of this versatile and successful skin care product is superfluous. Why change or reinterpret the traditional Egyptian formula? Egyptian Magic is a true all-rounder among beauty products. The popular skin care from the land of the pharaohs contains, among other things, beeswax, olive oil and honey. It is free of preservatives, additives and fragrances and is produced entirely without animal testing. The cream comes without parabens and chemicals. A traditional formula provides a lot of moisture and has an antioxidant effect. Honey contained in the cream has an antibacterial effect and helps against acne, and propolis has an anti-inflammatory effect. Beeswax protects the skin barrier and royal jelly makes the skin glow, reduces wrinkles and is even said to heal scars. The balanced formula of Egyptian Magic products is suitable for all skin types and many applications. The all-round talent prevents wrinkles as a facial care and is suitable as a make-up base. Sophisticated ladies treat themselves to Egyptian Magic cream to care for their skin and conjure up modern makeup looks with a glow effect. The cream makes the entire complexion glow. Makeup artists use the product to create highlights for cheeks, eyelids and brows. Some customers even use it with success to care for frizzy hair and as an anti-split treatment. You can also use the cream as a beauty mask, shaving and massage cream.
It is said that Egyptian Magic All Pupose Cream even makes rashes and psoriasis disappear. It helps soothing insect bites and is said to reduce scars and skin blemishes. Whether stretch marks, small sore spots or burns: The cream's precious ingredients regenerate the skin, leaving it smooth and flawless.
Egyptian Magic has a paste-like texture and is very rich. The cream becomes wonderfully smooth when first spread in the warm palms of the hands. There it melts into an oily consistency. Now the cream should be applied sparingly to the desired areas with light circular movements. The nourishing Egyptian Magic cream is quickly absorbed. It borders on a miracle how versatile Egyptian Magic products are.
Egyptian Magic combines many effects in one product. The secret mixture of Egyptian Magic products with olive oil and beeswax, propolis, bee pollen, royal jelly and honey has a centuries-old tradition that is still appreciated today. Whether used as a skin cream, eye care or hair mask, for massage, baby care or shaving cream, Egyptian Magic products combine healing and caring effects in one and are indispensable in everyday life. The cream is ideal for all those who want to do something for their natural beauty and do not want to resort to many different products.
Due to its antibacterial effect, it is even suitable for treating small wounds. Dermatologists recommend Egyptian Magic against eczema and psoriasis. Especially dry skin areas such as décolleté, elbows, knees or feet become supple and soft again thanks to the intensive cream. Egyptian Magic products soothe dry, chapped skin and give it the moisture it needs. Hollywood stars apply the cream to their lips or use it to give their cheeks a natural glow. As an intensive moisturizer, the cream has a natural anti-aging effect when used regularly. As a face mask, the moisturizing cream pampers stressed skin on the weekend. For this purpose, a layer of the cream should be applied to the face. After an exposure time of 30 minutes, the cream can be removed with a warm, damp cloth. Now the residue should be gently patted into the skin. Eyebrows and eyelashes can be defined with a small amount of the nourishing cream. A hand mask made of Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream makes rough hands supple again. To do this, the cream should be applied to the hands overnight and left to work under the protection of gloves.
Quantity: 30 ml
Egyptian Magic - SkinCare Cream
It is said that Egyptian Magic All Pupose Cream even makes rashes and psoriasis disappear. It helps soothing insect bites and is said to reduce scars and skin blemishes. Whether stretch marks, small sore spots or burns: The cream's precious ingredients regenerate the skin, leaving it smooth and flawless.
Egyptian Magic has a paste-like texture and is very rich. The cream becomes wonderfully smooth when first spread in the warm palms of the hands. There it melts into an oily consistency. Now the cream should be applied sparingly to the desired areas with light circular movements. The nourishing Egyptian Magic cream is quickly absorbed. It borders on a miracle how versatile Egyptian Magic products are.
Egyptian Magic combines many effects in one product
The secret mixture of Egyptian Magic products with olive oil and beeswax, propolis, bee pollen, royal jelly and honey has a centuries-old tradition that is still appreciated today. Whether used as a skin cream, eye care or hair mask, for massage, baby care or shaving cream, Egyptian Magic products combine healing and caring effects in one and are indispensable in everyday life. The cream is ideal for those who want to do something for their natural beauty and do not want to resort to many different products.
Aufgrund der antibakteriellen Wirkung ist sie sogar zur Behandlung kleiner Wunden geeignet. Hautärzte empfehlen Egyptian Magic gegen Ekzeme und Schuppenflechte. Besonders trockene Hautstellen wie Dekolleté, Ellbogen, Knie oder Füße werden dank der intensiven Creme wieder geschmeidig und weich. Egyptian Magic Produkte beruhigen trockene, rissige Haut und schenken ihr die nötige Feuchtigkeit. Hollywoodstars tragen die Creme auf ihre Lippen auf oder verleihen ihren Wangen mit ihr einen natürlichen Glow. Als intensive Feuchtigkeitspflege hat die Creme bei regelmäßiger Anwendung einen natürlichen Anti-Aging-Effekt. Die feuchtigkeitshaltige Creme verwöhnt als Gesichtsmaske die beanspruchte Haut am Wochenende. Hierzu sollte eine Schicht der Creme auf das Gesicht aufgetragen werden. Nach einer Einwirkzeit von 30 Minuten kann die Creme mit einem warmen, feuchten Tuch abgenommen werden. Nun sollten die Rückstände sanft in die Haut eingeklopft werden. Augenbrauen und Wimpern können mit einer kleinen Menge der pflegenden Creme definiert werden. Eine Handmaske aus Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream macht raue Hände wieder geschmeidig. Dazu sollte die Creme übernacht auf die Hände aufgetragen werden und unter dem Schutz von Handschuhen einwirken.